Zoom Recruitment - Make People Matter

Zoom Recruitment – The Who, How and Why

Written by Zoom Recruitment | Feb 12, 2020 2:10:00 AM

At Zoom Recruitment, we have developed a reputation as cutting-edge specialists in temporary and permanent recruitment and staffing solutions for the industrial, heavy industrial, construction, civil, rail, commercial and mining industries.

Our innovative approach has evolved and been shaped by our experience, expertise, and a willingness to adapt to the needs of our client organisations. The provision of recruitment and staffing solutions to the industries we support, and the versatility we demonstrate in meeting both temporary and permanent needs, is no mean feat.

In this article, we want to help you understand what is so special about us as an agency, and the value of the recruitment services and staffing solutions that we provide. A balance of vision and a commitment to the finer details has seen Zoom reach new heights with each passing financial year. The following will detail the who, how and why of Zoom Recruitment. Read on here for insights into how we have developed our reputation, and how we plan on keeping it.

We Are Committed to Getting the Details Done Right

We said that everything changes, but if you want to know why you have to look deeper. Far and away the greatest source of change has been in the ways that we access and use information. The recruitment and training sphere is not unique for having been pushed to evolve in its approach to information. But the changes have nevertheless been revolutionary.

For jobseekers, the information age has brought with it new ways of engaging with prospective employers, new avenues of professional development, and made conducting research easier than ever. At Zoom, we’ve seen an unprecedented growth over the last ten years in the numbers of jobseekers and prospective candidates that are making use of information technology to take their careers further.

For employers, the evolution in access to and the use of information has reshaped recruitment into a field characterised by a deeper analytical bent. Along with it, recruitment has growingly been given its due as an integral part of any forward-thinking business strategy. 

Nowadays, a good job in a competitive field will typically see a huge influx of applicants in a short period of time. To find their candidate, larger scale employers typically need a team of discerning eyes (nothing new), but they now also need professionals with a strong grasp of data, analytics and strategy.

These ‘new school’ recruitment attributes help ensure that the usual influx of candidates are not only vetted effectively, but that a higher calibre of candidate populates the talent pool from the outset. The past ten years have seen employers equipped with an enhanced tool set when seeking to attract their desired candidates. Permitting them the ability to positively select for the attributes that are more likely to garner strong results and success in their organisation.

We See the Big Picture

Zoom Recruitment is an organisation that sees and understands the big picture and everything that contributes to it. Our continual ‘ear to the ground’ attitude has permitted us to develop breadth and depth in our temporary and permanent staffing solutions. Keeping us in touch with emerging trends and developments in the industry, and putting us out in front of the competition. Unmatched in our strategic insights and leading innovation in recruitment and staffing across the industrial, heavy industrial, construction, civil, rail, commercial and mining industries.

Key to our success has been our keen understanding of the particular movements of the legislation that governs recruitment and staffing. The big picture view has informed how we have adapted and prospered over our decades long history. In the next section, we will speak more directly to one of the biggest shifts the recruitment and staffing industry is currently undergoing, and how Zoom Recruitment is continually evolving and staying ahead of the pack.

Labour Hire Licensing Schemes – The Changing Landscape

For the market as a whole, the biggest changes currently taking place within staffing and recruitment are regulatory. Three states, Queensland, South Australia and Victoria have each developed labour hire licensing schemes that govern the provision of labour hire services.

In these states, each provider must acquire a license in order to continue operating as a provider of staffing solutions. So far, each QLD, SA and VIC have developed their scheme to address concerns particular to their state.

Queensland has led the way. Becoming the first state to roll out an active labour hire licensing scheme in April of 2018. South Australia has followed closely, Victoria has implemented a scheme as well and the Australian Capital Territory has announced that it intends to develop a labour hire licensing scheme of its own in the coming years.

Labour hire licensing schemes, as we see it at Zoom Recruitment, are a welcome development for the sector, and we have attained licenses in each state with an active scheme, Queensland, South Australia and Victoria.

Adapting & Embracing Regulatory Steps Forward – They Benefit Everyone

The development of labour hire licensing schemes in three of Australia’s eight states and territories have come about as a way of encouraging responsible business practices in the labour hire market. They demand change, and it is the organisations that are prepared to make those changes that are going to grow alongside the bolstered health and vitality of recruitment and staffing in those states.

At Zoom, our success has been informed by a commitment to the details that we can control, but also, our adaptability to the conditions that are outside our control. We believe strongly that greater regulation is going to push positive developments across the industry as a whole. Specifically, because the head-start that so many organisations have attained for themselves by taking shortcuts and engaging in exploitative business practices has come at the expense of the integrity of the industry and the quality of its outputs.

We support the growth in regulation because it benefits the industry, and because we know that we can handle any changes that will come with it. Our provision of recruitment and staffing solutions for both temporary and permanent client requirements has always been couched in a commitment to quality and reliability.

To further demonstrate our point, we want to set out for you another avenue of our commitment to best practice and how we ensure quality, safety and reliability in our services.

The International Organisation for Standardisation

The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) promotes proprietary, industrial and commercial standards, and is made up of representatives of standards organisations from all over the world. The ISO standard represents a quantifiable and rigorously scrutinised accreditation process. 

ISO accreditations are not legal requirements, but they are evidence of a provider’s commitment to the quality and reliability of their services. ISO accreditations have been a touchstone for proactive and forward-thinking organisations across the world, and we are one of those organisations.

At Zoom Recruitment, we are accredited to the ISO standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and AS/NZS 4801. The achievement and maintenance of these accreditations has shaped how we view best practice and spurred on continual successes for our organisation, and for our client organisations.

Best Practice, The Industry and Zoom Recruitment

The process-oriented approach that characterises each of these standards features a plan-do-check-act methodology that ensures structure and accountability. 

For recruitment agencies, certification to the ISO-9001 standard is a recognition of an organisation's systematic and procedural approach to the management of their services. Further, it represents an opportunity to communicate that those processes exist in their market.

For client organisations, ISO standards grant the assurance of quality and reliability. ISO standards are upheld with annual audits and are a concrete and measurable indication of the value that an agency or provider can bring to your organisation.

For candidates, ISO standards represent an assurance of safety, professionalism and reliability. Recruitment agencies handle a host of complex obligations and sensitive information. An ISO accreditation is an assurance that they can trust their organisation to look out for them.

To us at Zoom Recruitment, ISO standards represent a systematised and procedural approach to best practice. They are a form of voluntarily assumed compliance that conveys many of the same benefits as the labour hire licensing schemes we detailed earlier. But further, they are a way of recognising and communicating the investment that a particular organisation has made in its services.

Let us walk you through the approach we have taken to achieving these accreditations, and the continual investment that we make in the quality and reliability of our services.

Best Practice, The Industry and Zoom Recruitment

The process-oriented approach that characterises each of these standards features a plan-do-check-act methodology that ensures structure and accountability. 

For recruitment agencies, certification to the ISO-9001 standard is a recognition of an organisation's systematic and procedural approach to the management of their services. Further, it represents an opportunity to communicate that those processes exist in their market.

For client organisations, ISO standards grant the assurance of quality and reliability. ISO standards are upheld with annual audits and are a concrete and measurable indication of the value that an agency or provider can bring to your organisation.

For candidates, ISO standards represent an assurance of safety, professionalism and reliability. Recruitment agencies handle a host of complex obligations and sensitive information. An ISO accreditation is an assurance that they can trust their organisation to look out for them.

To us at Zoom Recruitment, ISO standards represent a systematised and procedural approach to best practice. They are a form of voluntarily assumed compliance that conveys many of the same benefits as the labour hire licensing schemes we detailed earlier. But further, they are a way of recognising and communicating the investment that a particular organisation has made in its services.

Let us walk you through the approach we have taken to achieving these accreditations, and the continual investment that we make in the quality and reliability of our services.

The People are the Key

Key to any value-add in recruitment are the investments that organisations make in their people and their working relationships. At Zoom Recruitment, our mission to provide our client organisations with tailored, innovative and cost-effective staffing solutions is made possible by the investment that we make in the people who populate our staffing solutions.

Whether your organisation is in search of a temporary fix, or a permanent addition to your staffing, Zoom Recruitment is the agency that can help you develop the capacity and capabilities you need to get the work done. We understand that people are the key to everything in staffing and recruitment. Further, we understand that the most important steps toward ensuring the quality of our services revolve around the ways that we ensure the health, safety and reliability of our workforce. 

We undertake a comprehensive range of processes all designed with the view to guaranteeing that each aspect is taken care of. We’ve spoken about how regulation shapes the landscape and facilitates positive changes in the industry, now let’s look at some of the more immediate ways that Zoom Recruitment invests in the people that make our best efforts possible.

Onboarding and References

At Zoom Recruitment, we set the tone early in the process with assistance from two key strategic partners.

Onboarded is a digital platform purpose built for labour hire providers, and a key part of how we at Zoom Recruitment handle the processes essential to a successful onboarding. Onboarded streamline the candidate experience and ensure that our client organisations have access to the information they need. Everything from certifications and right to work information through to payroll information kept securely  in one place. All accessible via an app that can be downloaded onto your smartphone or computer.

A second key strategic partnership of ours is one we have built with Referoo. Referoo helps us ensure that the reference process is fast, easy and thorough. References are a key part of the recruitment process, and crucial to the ongoing success of the staffing solutions that we provide. Our minimum requirement of at least two references from past employers ensures that no one’s time is being wasted, and that the candidates we put forward have a history of success in their past roles.

Each of these partnerships were formed to ensure that we have the tools we need to ensure a smooth and coordinated recruitment process. Each Referoo and Onboarded are platforms that handle very specific aspects of the employment process, and they are key to the reference checking and onboarding processes that help us continually generate value for our clients.

Functional Capacity Assessments

With Zoom Recruitment, safety is not treated as an obligation that only attains priority once the candidate has reached the worksite. Rather, Zoom carefully vet each candidate according to their physical and attitudinal suitability to their work placement with the help of FPES.

FPES is an organisation that specialises in the provision of Pre-Employment Screening and Post-Injury Intervention and Strategy. Headed by one of the world’s foremost musculoskeletal experts, Dr. Martin Raftery, FPES have developed a range of programs designed to help employers understand the needs and parameters of safe workplace engagements.

The functional capacity assessments we undertake in partnership with FPES are part of how we proactively engage with the question of occupational health and safety on the worksite. They enable us to gain an understanding of the sorts of risk factors that a particular worker may be personally subject to in the processes of their work.

Client Site Safety Evaluations

Functional capacity assessments help ensure the individual physical suitability of a candidate, but another feature of our services is the care we take in ensuring the safety of the workplace itself. Zoom Recruitment oversees an inspections process that ensures that none of our workers are exposed to unsafe or hazardous working conditions. 

Labour hire providers and their client organisations both share in a dual responsibility for the workers health and safety. The client site safety evaluations that we undertake are another way that we at Zoom Recruitment ensure the candidates we put forward are guaranteed a safe and hospitable work environment.

To ensure that no details are overlooked, and that every consideration is seen to, we utilise inspection software platform iAuditor, developed by SafetyCulture. iAuditor is a platform that assists in developing considered checklists that feature points of assessment for each aspect of a workplaces health and safety. It helps us ensure that we’re thorough at each step of the way, and looking after the health and safety of the workers.

Drug and Alcohol Testing

Key to safety in the workplace is clear and reasoned decision making. In line with our existing Drug and Alcohol policies, our internal staff have undergone training with Safework Laboratories and attained the nationally recognised accreditation required to collect specimens to test for drugs of abuse and facilitate in-house drug and alcohol testing.

Screening at various stages of the recruitment process permits us, our clients, and the candidates we employ a peace of mind. Equipped with mobile drug detection units that meet Australian Standards (AS 3547), our staff can facilitate a plan that works for your organisation.

If you’ve found yourself looking for a drug and alcohol testing solution that will ensure the safety and productivity of your staff, get in contact with us to start the conversation about how we can develop a drug and alcohol testing solution that meets your needs.

Stay Ahead of the Curve with Zoom Recruitment

At the outset, we stated that our mission is to provide tailored, innovative and cost-effective recruitment and staffing solutions to our client organisations. We have always strived to achieve the best, and we hope you’ve enjoyed learning more about our approach.

From the personnel that inform and support detail-driven decision making, to the workers that populate our recruitment and staffing solutions, everything we do at Zoom Recruitment is geared about generating results for our client organisations. 

We’re excited to see a renewed focus on regulation within the industry. For responsible providers of temporary and permanent staffing and recruitment solutions committed to best practice, these developments will serve to support their efforts and generate greater opportunities to further the quality and reliability of their service offering.

If you have found yourself looking for answers to problems of staffing and recruitment, get in contact with a Zoom Recruitment staffing specialist today. With decades of experience in providing temporary and permanent staffing and recruitment solutions across mining, construction, civil, rail, industrial, and commercial projects, Zoom Recruitment is the clear choice for you and your organisation.