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5 Top Secrets to Better Employee Retention in Hard Times

Oct 31, 2019 6:26:00 PM / by Zoom Recruitment

5 Top Secrets to Better Employee Retention in Hard Times

Finding the right staff for your organisation is what we do at Zoom Recruitment, but an equally important part of the equation for your organisation is ensuring that you are doing what you can to retain those staff.

Organisations that encounter troubled times, like all organisations do, need to make continued and effective efforts to ensure that their staff stick around. In this article, we’ve put together five of the top secrets to better staff retention. Have a look through here to check in on how your organisation is stacking up on the best ways to ensure that you are keeping the people you need with your organisation.

#1 Communication is Key

Like all relationships, a good relationship between an employee and their employer begins and ends with communication. Making good, clear and open communication a defining characteristic of your workplace is going to bolster all the big inter-personal details that we care about both as individuals and as part of a group.

Every point that follows from here comes back to how you as an organisation conduct employee communication. Take the time wherever you can to evaluate how well your organisation is communicating with your staff, and very little will come entirely as a surprise when it happens.

#2 Inspire Trust Through Stability

How we work and how we support ourselves are big parts of who we are. It is how we create meaning for ourselves and how we derive value from what we spend our days doing at a personal level. While some professional environments aren’t well situated for stability, it isn’t a common reaction for an employee to react well to instability in their work.

Organisations that are going through periods of uncertainty are going to have to work even harder to ensure that they are presenting a degree of professionalism and stability in their decision-making. Staff that feel that, even in difficult times, they can rely on their organisation to be professional in their decision making are going to be far better prepared to weather the difficult conditions that their work may require of them.

#3 Know Your Objectives

It’s rare that anyone is truly afraid of working hard. More often than not, if an employee appears to be shying away from their work, it has something to do with having lost sight of their motivations to work and work hard.

Clear objectives are an important aspect of employee motivation and sentiment. In cases where an employee’s objectives are muddied or unclear, it is a natural reaction to pull back from what they might see as a wasted effort. 

By keeping the objective clear, your staff are kept in touch with the purpose of their work and are better positioned to put context to the difficulties they encounter. 

#4 Give Them Room to Grow

The employees that you want around are the ones that want to learn and grow. Motivated, skilled and continually developing employees are the driving force behind the workplace culture that helps you attract and retain more staff that share those attributes.

Giving your employees the space they need to grow could mean ensuring that they have access to corporate education and training, ensuring that you promote from within whenever possible, or simply remaining open to facilitating the opportunities that your employees are looking for when they raise them with the organisation.

#5 Reward and Recognition

The last point is about what needs to happen when the work is done. Reward and recognition are massive contributors to how employees view themselves and the value of their input. For companies that have fallen on hard times, it is important that reward is just a form of recognition and demonstrating recognition doesn’t need to come at any great expense to the organisation.

There are ways of ensuring that your organisation is recognising the efforts of your employees that are possible even when it doesn’t feel as though there are the resources to provide a more tangible reward. It’s just a matter of finding a way of demonstrating recognition for strong efforts that hits the mark and conveys to your employees that you value their contributions.

Zoom Recruitment Knows Staffing

Zoom Recruitment is an agency that is committed to finding staff that fit the needs of our clients. We know just how hard it can be to find a good fit, and we know how important it is to make it last when you find it.

Doing the work to ensure that your organisation is retaining the talented, motivated and skilled employees that make your work possible will pay dividends in the years to come and help your organisation weather the harder periods that all organisations encounter from time to time.

If you’re looking for more tips and insights into how you can keep your business ready for anything, get in touch with us today!

Topics: Casual Labour Hire, Permanent Staff Recruitment

Zoom Recruitment

Written by Zoom Recruitment