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Flexibility and Your Business

May 14, 2020 1:00:00 PM / by Zoom Recruitment


Flexibility and Your Business – Do You Want to Marry or Only Date the Candidate?

No one is exactly sure what it’s going to look like just yet, but the growing consensus is that Australia post-COVID-19 is going to be a very different place for most organisations to do business in. The mystery can be kind of unsettling, but there is a way forward that will get you what you really want.

The biggest question is commitment. The next few months are going to be essential to the sort of life your business is going to be leading in the years to come. It’s important that you know what you’re getting yourself into.

If part of your rebuild is finding new staff, there are a couple of ways you can tackle the question of commitment. Broad strokes, you can lock it down with permanent talent, or stay open to new things with temporary staffing. Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons, and dive in on how you can decide what’s right for your business.

The benefits of flexibility - AKA Recruitment dating

One big thing to consider is that the challenges of the past few months aren’t over just yet. How the job market or the wider economy is going to go about finding its level isn’t something that can be pinned down just yet. What that means is that there is a lot to be said for staying free enough to try a couple different things, without having to commit to any one way of doing things.

When it comes to staying flexible, it’s hard to go past temporary staffing solutions. Going the temporary recruitment route with us means being able to draw on the talents of a wider number of candidates. It means being able to test the waters and try out that temporary employee. Maybe they have the skills you need right now, but aren’t what you really want long term.

The benefits of going steady AKA Recruitment marriage

The last few months have been tough. But what they have taught so many businesses is that having a team you can rely on is really something special. The thing is, you can’t always have it both ways. A good team dynamic, with the right mix of skills and good working relationships is something that  takes time to put together. For the most part, that means taking on permanent talent.

Recruiting permanent talent is where the greatest stability can be found. It’s where you’ll have the chance to really work on developing the sort of relationships that work for your business for the long term. Particularly the sorts of relationships that will be there through the tough times. Finding the right staff for permanent placements isn’t easy, but it can be well worth the effort.

Figure out what’s right for you with Zoom Recruitment

The way forward for your business needs to be tailored to your needs. The talent is out there right now, it’s just about figuring out what you want and dialing in the approach. Zoom Recruitment is the agency that can help you develop a clearer picture of what you need from your staff and implement the strategies to get you there.

Get in touch today by calling 1300 762 208 or leaving us a message via our contact form to get started.

Topics: Casual Labour Hire, Permanent Staff Recruitment

Zoom Recruitment

Written by Zoom Recruitment