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Making strong long-term staffing decisions

Apr 2, 2020 2:30:00 PM / by Zoom Recruitment


Insight and Recruitment – Making Strong Long-Term Staffing Decisions

In the last few months, businesses across Australia and the world have found themselves having to lean on the strength of their team in a way that no one could have anticipated. If there is one major take-away that any business should focus on, it’s the value of having a strong team.

The good news is that we’re beginning to see Australia’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. While the country finds its feet, we’re expecting to start seeing hardy and forward-thinking businesses getting back on the front foot.

With the value of a strong team fresh in our minds, and a long road back to where we once were, it makes sense that businesses of all kinds start the rebuild by taking a look at what they need from their staffing in the long-term.

In this article, we want to unpack some of our top tips for those looking to rethink and adjust their long-term approach to recruitment and staffing. Read on here to get the inside track on what we at Zoom Recruitment think will characterise the best efforts in the coming months.

Define (or revisit) your business goals

What many businesses take years to learn is that good recruitment starts well before you draft up copy for a job advertisement. In reality, it starts with the goals and direction of your business. This first tip is all about making sure you’re laying the foundation you need to make better decisions down the track. 

The crux of it is that teams, employees and prospective candidates all respond well to a strong sense of purpose. By taking the time to revisit your business goals and establish a proactive approach to what you’re working toward, your teams will see that your business is doing what it needs to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic with its eyes open and looking forward.

Hire the best you can afford

When it comes to bringing new team members on board, the best advice is always to hire the best employee you can afford. There are plenty of statistics out there that back what we’re saying, but what you might be more interested in now is the impact that a good employee can have on a team dynamic.

High quality employees create a buzz around them. Not only are they good at what they do, but they can inspire other employees to up their games as well. In the long-term, the outlay that comes with pushing for a higher calibre candidate is one that will be repaid over and over again.

Enlist a professional recruitment partner

The last few months have shown us again that, in hard times, talent is where the results are found. At Zoom Recruitment, we pride ourselves on being the agency that businesses from all across light industrial, heavy industrial, FMCG & manufacturing, civil construction, rail, mining, warehousing & logistics, commercial and engineering can look to for guidance on making strong recruitment decisions.

If you’re looking for expert guidance backed by a 360-degree account management style and years of experience in your sector, get in contact with the team at Zoom Recruitment today by calling 1300 762 208 or leaving us a message via our contact form.

Topics: Permanent Staff Recruitment

Zoom Recruitment

Written by Zoom Recruitment