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Understanding Purpose in the Workplace

May 6, 2020 12:00:00 PM / by Zoom Recruitment


Understanding Purpose in the Workplace

The modern workplace has undergone some pretty serious challenges in the last few months. But while so many businesses have struggled to adjust to the new normal, there definitely have been some positive developments taking place.

We wanted to take a moment to talk about how we can better understand the importance of a sense of purpose in the workplace. Further, how your business can benefit from taking the time to foster a strong sense of purpose in your staff and across your organisation.

The importance of ‘knowing your why’ as a business

Businesses undergoing change, whether it is rapid growth, a re-build, or any other sort of transition, are often some of the most attuned to the significance of purpose in our work. There is a good reason for this. ‘Business as usual’ tends to take care of itself. But transitional periods sometimes take a bit more of a grind to keep things moving. And sometimes there isn’t a profit margin to point to when the big question of ‘why?’ rears its head..

Purpose gives your staff something to buy into

A strong sense of purpose that reaches on throughout your business gives your staff something to buy into. It makes it clear why your team is there each step of the way and keeps everyone pulling in the same direction.

You can help your staff feel the importance of even the smaller details of their jobs by connecting them with the impact that their work has. A worker that knows why they’re doing something is going to push for better, and they might even help you see when something could be done more efficiently.

Talent is drawn to businesses with a sense of purpose

Just like your current employees will respond positively to purpose driven initiatives and decision making, future employees are going to be paying attention as well. While everyone has their own reasons for taking on a job, the best candidates are ones looking for an opportunity to continue growing. When it comes to figuring out what that looks like with your business, it certainly helps to have goals and a strong team culture to point to.

A sense of purpose makes your business resilient

A business with goals, direction, and teams that know that their contributions matter, is going to have more options that their competitors. We say this because purpose is what keeps the objectives clear even while some bigger changes are taking place around you.

The last few months have seen more business rely on the skills and work ethic of their teams more heavily than ever. Businesses with staff that know why they’re going the extra mile are going to be able to do that regardless of the circumstances. Whether that’s working harder, longer, remotely or anything else that the market throws at them.

Work with Zoom Recruitment

When it comes to setting your business up for success, there is no better way than to do it from the foundations up. That means having the foresight to employ staff that align with the goals and vision of your business. You can foster a stronger sense of purpose within your workforce by ensuring that your organisation is attracting, recruiting and retaining the best talent. The best way to do this, is to enlist the help of a team of specialist recruitment professionals.

Zoom Recruitment is that team. Founded back in 2004, and host to a wealth of talent of our own, we can help you push for better in your organisation.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch today by calling 1300 762 208 or leaving us a message via our contact form to get started.

Topics: Casual Labour Hire, Permanent Staff Recruitment

Zoom Recruitment

Written by Zoom Recruitment