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We Get Things Done

May 24, 2021 3:23:54 PM / by Lisa Giakalis

We are proudest when we hear this from our clients and our people.  With hard work and commitment, I am happy to say, we hear this all the time. It is also the most expressed compliment our people say to one another. It’s a simple phrase but weighs a ton.

Getting things done is not only limited to accomplishing tasks.

I always remind our people about this. "We get things done", when we represent Zoom Recruitment as someone who brings solutions to companies in that first meeting, and every time after that. "We get things done" when we’re efficient with our actions when tackling a challenge even when the timeframes are tight. Most importantly, we get things done when we never compromise our relationships with the people that we deal with as we commit to every task at hand.

Zoom on Getting Things Done

At Zoom Recruitment, getting things done is not a final state or an outcome. It’s the journey our clients, candidates and our team go through with us, from their first experience with our brand, all the way to a closed deal or a potential partnership. It’s the little things that we say, write or do that leave an impression with the people outside of our company and the people in our offices.

We never compromise on people, that is how we get things done.

Topics: Make People Matter, About Zoom Recruitment

Lisa Giakalis

Written by Lisa Giakalis

Lisa is Zoom Recruitment's National Operations Manager